Major: You can now opt to have the entire app translated into your own native language, provided google support it. To do this, access "Manage Native Language settings" from the options menu.
Minor: After a translations is completed, you will be asked if you wish to hear it again.
The app will now only open translations in a web browser, if you pick yes from the pop-up prompt.
Minor: Added a bug reporting feature in options.
Minor: F3 will now copy the contents of the clipboard in text entry mode. Thanks Kin!
Documentation updated.
Minor: User freperences and past translations are now saved in /data/user.dat instead of /data.dsave.
Minor: First letter navigation no longer closes out the menu, instead moves you to the first available match. -Thanks Kin!
Minor: The app checks for internet connectivity at load.
Minor: Pressing F1 in almost any menu opens online help.
Minor: Stored translations are now filed in a friendlier date format, for easier reading.
Minor: Fixed a bug when adjusting self-voicing's volume.
Minor: Fixed a bug where the version number would not display correctly in the app's title bar.
Minor: change log and help options now use web browser and link directly to the online documentation. Since this app already requires an active online presence, I thought it best to use direct links to decrease the download size of the app and keep you up to date with the latest information.
Minor: Various typo fixes.
Minor: Fixed a bug where settings were being backup unnecessarily
Minor: Escape key on main menu closes the app.
Minor: Removed "go back" from all menu's. Escape key will now do the trick nicely.
Minor: Some Menu names and prompts have been changed.
Minor: Graphical text rendering is now togglable under the options menu.
Minor: Fixed some bugs with the menu code and the escape key not working as it should.
Minor: Move all translation from a .txt file to a .html file for easier viewing and cross-platform compatibility.
Minor: Fixed a bug where the error sound would play while typing. Thanks Jimmy
Minor: Added a way to set and use preferred languages.
Minor: The change log is now accessible from the main menu on windows versions.
Minor: Yu will now be prompted to keep or discard a past translation after reviewing it.